So Yet again ive let the fans down and not put this up and LOADS has happened and i dont really know where to begin.
First and formost the infamous Andrea Bowie returned for Soles wedding which involved some entertaining kareoke from the bride and groom and some dancing with the oldest and toothless men on this planet followed the next day by a trip to help the valpo surf project and a night on the town in the splendid world of Valparaiso.
Here we manage to persuade andrea to stay a bit longer which then resulted in a trip to mendoza to renew our non existant visas...a 10 hour bus ride and some horrendous literature.

I took a photo just to remember how awful that book was. Not the WORST book in the world but basically a really bad book that takes forever to read because it likes to over describe every small insignificant detail in stupidly over stretched sentences which bears no point to the plot of the story or add to my imagination of the place or in anyway contributes to the story much like this one sentence which i have written to prove my point to Kerry and Andrea that sometimes too many words is simply just stupid.
Now what to say about mendoza...well i wish i could say a lot but we basically spent half our time sleeping under a tree and eating really bad lasagna. Cue 10 hour bus ride home. (oh and a trip to a water park where i basically finished that bad book and worked on my super tan - dad im guna beat you this year)
Then on our return we decide to check out the local nightlife that is Calera and we start off in Riqos to some delightful kareoke where andrea and kerry decide to carry this on into the night...even when we went to the local disco they found a hidden door that lead to this delightful kareoke rendition.
I think here its important to note that this was a band. Not a kareoke band...and somehow kerry and andrea forced themselves on stage.

And soon enough it was 1st december.
We do lots of you favourites and we perform at weddings, birthday parties and barmitsvas. Reservations not always necessary just call La Casa Grande and ask for the gringas.
We then went on the anticipated surf trip up north with Surf amigo Andres.
This involved lots of early mornings...a broken car, an act of public displayed affection gone wrong by a slip in dog poo (that WILL teach you), surf training by watching movies, pilates in the dust, fresh fish, fish sandwich for breakfast and other exciting activities, such as hitch hiking.

On our return we also were delighted to hear that the orphanage are happy to let us get involved and so we went along to suss out the kids and play a few games. Mr Duran is organising a christmas party for the little chappies..and they are all well cute...minus the odd swear word here and there.

Anyways that is whats going down thus far. We have the container arriving tomorrow...HELLO GOODS!!! And the duran hoard a week later where the house has started to go mental..fixing walls, ceilings, gates. Beds are being moved. Ines has been moved back into the office with Judy and we are greatly anticipating the english celebrities that are the Clare and Claudio Duranimos.
Muchos chilean besos to all