Sunday 30 August 2009

New In Town

So far so good. Was expecting the weather to be a bit chillier..BOOM BOOM...but has been really warm in the day with very cool evenings.

Everyone has been immense so spanish is very bad but that hasnt been a major problem yet. The teachers have been really welcoming and the kids are pretty favourite is a girl who happens to wet herself on numerous occassions (shes not my fave because of this habbit ha) and possibly the 5 year old boy who totally whooped my arse at chess.

Ive eaten the majority of the chocolate i managed to smuggle through brazil (by pure accident of course) and so far the only thing i dont like is the ruddy cockeral outside my window which im sure is most probably on english times as it squawks at like 3am...good times.

oh friends from back home will appreciate this...i am working alongside a woman named maritza. yes thats right...its a perfectly normal name.

over and out
