Thursday, 10 September 2009

zoo-logical experience

I'm going to try and explain yesterday in the best possible way i can but to be honest i think alot of what i found INCREDIBLY amusing..will be one of those 'you just had to be there moments'.

So we got up and jumped in Manuels car at like 10am (yes hello day off) and drove to his college football grounds in vina del mar. These were probably the size of large netball courts so i dont know if that counts but still. We were there to watch manuel play for 3rd place and numerous other little teams play for whatever...cant say i totally understood but oh wow was this exciting. Firstly it kicked off with some HORRENDOUS girl football players. It consisted of lots of spastic running...oh wow...and an almost girl on girl fight. THATS what i call entertainment. Ah, slightly disappointed for the girls but oh well i'll proudly take one for the team and still be proud to be female after the words the girls were cussing at each other.

Then we watched manuel in all his futbol glory. 2 yellow cards what a treat. And they won which put them in 3rd place..trophy times woop woop. So then we settled down for a good final match (bearing in mind it was BOILING hot..and i kept being attacked by an advertisement poster) 2 mins into the game the goalie falls to the floor in some dramatic manner and all i hear is shouts of 'ambulance ambulance' from the crowd. NOW im one for the dramatics but boy do these chileans know how to pull it off...after the good 'oh i think ive broken my knee/shin/arm/face' displays in the previous matches i really wasnt sure this was true until i could definately see his ankle in some wierd angle. So hands down to the boy...OUCH. Maybe i'll never know who wins the final.
So a short futbol game down we went to the mall for some grub where i ordered yet more meat, bread and CHEESE..yes small burger please...which turned out to be HUGE. like 4 burgers size with added salt, apparently it was the small burger which might explain alot.

And then after, we drove to Quilpue (think thats how its spelt) for some ZOO times. As we were pulling in, maly told us of the time the penguins escaped and were seen walking down the road. BRILLIANT. I think this zoo was actually what madagascar was based on. We caught a kangaroo moments from jumping over the fence (it had scambled up the hill...and was standing by the fence when we arrived...the monkeys were digging and im sure were inches from getting through..sorry im getting yes Zoo...Got in free..yes thank you maly and manuel and you're wonderful zoo was a lot bigger than expected. loads of animals in nice small cages so you could get a good view :s

maly introduced us to Pilon (the tiger) and had her hands almost in the cage which freaked me out until i realised that the cool animal recognised maly and was reasonably tame. So yeah...maly managed to persuade the zoo keepers to let us in to touch loads of animals which was AMAZING. Elephant (which kept sniffing my bag with its i swear i dont have any food in no candy...maybe some candy), Some wierd ant eater thing which had a nice snotty nose, a yellow monkey, a tiger (both of these were through the cage) and my LEAST favourite...a penguin. I say LEAST because i used to think penguins were pretty cool...and after maly and kerry stroked it..i thought oh yay this looks well easy i'll give it a go...2 seconds later its pooing a LARGE amount of white gook at me. much to kerry and malys amusement.

maybe it was just part of its escape plan....poo and then run for the open gate. Oh and in the picture above my hand is moving away from the like to add i managed to avoid the poo with my superhuman reflexes (yes kerry SUPERhuman..thats what i am).
And then we drove home...i was knackered by this point. Manuel and maly watched chile getting their bums kicked by brazil on tv (4-0). Chinga attempted to make some lemon cake...where he put in i wanna say a whole pot of bicarbonate of soda AS well as self raising baking powder...hello HUGE slightly rubbery cake. and i ate yet more bread and cheese.

perfect day if you ask me.
Am still trying to persude manuel to go to the slopes this weekend. this may be a long debate.
over and out

1 comment:

  1. This ia truely amazing blogg, keep it up. The weather lately has been good, but I am sure is not going to be for long.
