Hokie cokie....SO...
WELL i must admit its been a pretty easy week! The teachers told us they didnt want any english lessons this week so they could practise their dance for the independence day dance thing yeah i still cant speak spanish but i'll say yes to anything so what? no work? okay sure.
Male and Manuel took us to vina where we had a nice bowling match. Me and Kerry make a pretty super team. We went to the cinema, pelham 123 what a treat, and then we went and picked up my board!!! aaah yes Cheeky Charlie is back in my loving arms. AND its the best job ive ever seen on a board. I was like where did i break it?? Cant see a thing. £4 definately well spent.
On weds, equiped with my dad's cameras, we went and joined in the LIA independencia de Chile celebrations. Lots of cute kids dressed up as chilean people i can only assume? And then we were treated to mote con huesillo (peaches and wheat...yes dont ask its wierd...but so good) choripan (chorizo and bread) and antichuchos (kebabs) BOY they love the meat. Lots of bouncing on a random trampoline (maria and her schemes) and then a good old family boogie on the empty stage OH YES. Ines and Judie showed me their grooves. Must admit...their hips dont lie.
Thurs - We have a teachers dinner - mmmm salad and meat. Here Miss Carolina asks me what harry wokey means. what? the? she then proceeds to sing me where she has heard these words and to my amazement she is singing MJ's Smooth Criminal. Harry arry wokey harry wokey harry wokey arry. Oh miss carolina. annie are you okay are you okay annie.
Later my cousin, appropriately called Daniela Duran (yes handy), took us into town where we had some more beloved icecream and a taxi ride home. Ready for a well earned slumber Male and Manuel persuaded me kerry and chinga to go to some more independencia de chile celebrations must admit was not totally up for it (yes okay by now i seriously get it...chile is independent...well done...have a party or two and then get over it) BUT OH BOY what a treat. a nice almost empty huge marquee with some incredible seriously amazing chilean dancing. There i was, sat down recovering from a good boogie with chinga and THE LOVE OF MY LIFE walks across the room.... and asks kerry to dance. she politely refuses so i swoop in there to get my chance. Oh Juanito where have you been all my life?
Juanito: 80 years old and still going strong.
Hair: Brown
Teeth: Brown
mmm i can still remember his wrinkley hands.
That man can dance.
So im whisked off my feet with the promise of learning how to really dance chilean styleee and have the most amazing dance with the love of my life and then sit down in hope that we are leaving soon. oh please very soon. Jaunito tries to woo me by giving me a nice cold enpananda. what a gentleman.
Fri: the REAL independencia de Chile. didnt get in until 3am last night so completely overslept and woke to maria saying something to me. oh. no. so. tired. cant. understand.
so i nod in agreement to something si si si sure...an hour later me and kerry are too stubborn to stop for a taxi to the parade. Are adamant that we'll find it. Another hour later...we end up in the park we were at for the dancing the night beforehand and maria had just called to say its finished. and it was at the stadium. not the park.
A long slightly tired walk later where me and kerry are promising we'll one day ask for a taxi with our chillish, fernando is at the house packing up our stuff onto his car roof....with no roof rack. goodbye shoes. surfboard. kerrys coat. Its been a good run but i suppose my love for you had to end some time. Whilst im frantically trying to shave my legs in hope for some good weather. They may be family but a months worth of leg hair is enough to scare anyone.
Then we arrive to his shack where im wondering where we're all guna crash. Theres 16 of us in total. Turns out he owns 2 shacks right on the edge of this amazing beach(pichicuy). So then the party begins. First the churipan. Then the meat. Lots of meat eating (im ashamed to admit this but by now im seriously addicted). I dont know if its the salt or the hunkedy meatedy but im knawing away at this stuff like an animal sucking all the juices and adding muchos salt much to kerrys distaste. AND OH BOY is this bread good. im eating so much i can feel my insides becoming all.....yeasty. pan with chorizo, pan with toffee, pan pan pan, all the pan me and kerry can get our hands on we're stuffing into our mouths.
I wake up the next day, enlarged by 2 dress sizes and a fully formed bread baby nestling in my stomach. Mmm pan baby...i shall call you peter pan and peter pan shall be your name.
Just for future reference wetsuits are not the best clothing attire to hide a suspicious baby bread bump.
The weather is sunny sunny sunny. Fernando drives us a little down the beach to the spot where surf comps are held. I look at the waves and oh my goodness....no wonder theres so many crosses in commemoration of the dead. These waves are INSANE. Theyre huge, heavy and dumpy. So i stand there for a good 5 mins thinking of any excuse to suddenly not be able to surf. To have gotten in here would have taken some serious over estimation of my surfing skills and i really dont want to die. Infact in these 5 mins im able to come up with some fairly good reasons why i infact do not want to die:
No.1 if i die then i'll never know donde esta elisa.
No.2 i was no longer thinking about one person but now two...me and the precious life inside my stomach.
No.3 id already planned out the happy life for me and peter pan.
No.4. im way too beautiful.
so anyway...we walk further down and just ne
xt to a harbour wall are some smaller waves...dumpy, no where near as insane and a bit more manageable....phew.
so yes...some good family times. a good sleep in a very comfortable bed. (a bunk, held together with one elastic band..unlucky kerry for shotgunning the bottom...my superhuman senses told me itd be safer to let her have her way..yes kerry SUPERhuman...that is what i am). Some wierd dreams about uncle fernando singing outside...no wait that IS uncle fernando singing outside...its like 6am you party animal go to bed!
No.2 i was no longer thinking about one person but now two...me and the precious life inside my stomach.
No.3 id already planned out the happy life for me and peter pan.
No.4. im way too beautiful.
so anyway...we walk further down and just ne
so yes...some good family times. a good sleep in a very comfortable bed. (a bunk, held together with one elastic band..unlucky kerry for shotgunning the bottom...my superhuman senses told me itd be safer to let her have her way..yes kerry SUPERhuman...that is what i am). Some wierd dreams about uncle fernando singing outside...no wait that IS uncle fernando singing outside...its like 6am you party animal go to bed!
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