So after a rather amusing birthday weekend for miss o'neill which consisted of a late night family fiesta with lots of cake and bread (much to my delight) and an independent trip to vina...managed to get the bus there AND back with no problems..and into the cinema and an icecream AND the shops..we're getting good at this spanish malarky. We were back to work monday morning where Head Office managed to sort us out with a suprise visit by my crazy uncle as we'd been struggling to get up to the snow. He offered to drive us down as it was the last week so we packed as quickly as we could and jumped in his van.
2 hours later after being quizzed on how to say everything from road to tree we arrived in portillo where fernando (my uncle) took it upon himself to try and get a cheap deal. This is how it happened:
Hi I have two girls who would like to stay here, can you offer us a deal?
Okay thanks.
Well done fernando good work, I don't think we could have coped. half an hour later after settling into our box of a room we were getting suited and booted from the equipment shop served by some very friendly young men.

And off we went to discover the world of snowboarding. First day didnt go so well. For all of those who know me and kerry it was a classic kerry and ella argument. Where kerry thought it was acceptable to sit on her arse and moan 'i caaaaaaannt'. And i thought it was acceptable to lecture her over how she is not allowed to sit on her arse. Consisted of plenty of fruitfull language and an ending line of 'i am not standing here all day to just watch you sit on your arse'. 'i cant get up' 'you can' 'i cant' 'you can' 'i cant' 'you can'...yeah went on like that for a while i think much to everyone elses amusement except ours.
We then decided to check out the rest of the hotel facilities to get our moneys worth which we were welcome to use even though we were in the hostel shack. A gym, a cinema, a pool, A DISCO! We hadnt packed anything useful like bikinis (cant say that was the first on my list). So we ended up working out in the gym in pyjamas and ugg boot type shoes. I got a nice free gym introduction from a guy in there...who decided to think it was a good idea to show me he could do the splits. One very exposed shower later..why on earth put cloudy glass dividers..and one very exposed ella much to kerrys distaste (hehehehehe boy did i find that shower amusing), we and our empty stomachs went to eat eat eat. After we then decided to check out the cinema which wasnt showing anything great but had bean bags and a nice radiator where kerry was puzzled over why her arse was so cold and attempted to warm it up by sitting on it. Then to hang out at the bar. Where we played cards for most of the night on our own in a very quiet disco. Towards the end of the night we were joined by the hire equipment guys who we befriended, taught them how to play cards and then tottered off home with the promise of new friends and a better day to come.

Also totally didnt bring suncream....and boy my face was burning. I broke my board after lunch by accident and so stopped off into the shop where the boys we had befriended fixed it for free (phew) and gave us suncream. (phew) Because as the great kings of leon say: woooooooooaaaaaah my face is on fiiiiire!
In the eve we crashed in the cinema and almost fell asleep.

After dragging ourselves out of the cinema, we decided to go see if the boys were in the be sociable. But they we met a lady who told us that the party is down the hill and across the road. So we tottered down there where i promised we wouldnt stay long...I dont know how or why kerry STILL has not learnt that when those words often fall out of my mouth our nights out end up being some of the most insane, This night was no different. On our way we bumped into the boys who had been walking up to meet us and they walked us to the bar THANK GOODNESS... cause the bar we had been directed to looked like we had just entered someones house and was rammed with chileans. Consisted of lots of dancing....random conversations with australian men, chilean men, random dancing, dancing dancing, dancing to a song which said Culo alot (ass in spanish) and kerry discovering I infact have a small talent of picking up plenty of old men. And plenty of old men i did indeed pick up.

Next day after waking kerry up with the second song i had learnt from the night (or should i say the few hours before) 'un ano mas..ra rdumpr rarra keeerrrryyy!' with nice crusty faces we hit the slopes for the last time, joined for a wee while by pablo who attempted to learn snowboarding for the first time and continued to knock kerry off the slopes. Brilliant.
and then we returned home...where we were welcome by fernando and the paparazzi (fernando had brought his video camera..and for some strange reason decided to film us and trees...roadworks etc all the way home).
im pooped. Good work team.
Over and Out
That is so hillarious!! I love the face down piccy in the cinema!! Film must have been gripping. Will I ever be able to show my face on the slopes again...will have to make sure I don't own up to the surname Duran!! Head Office must do surprise trips more often!!