Tuesday, 13 October 2009


The Project has really started to get going.

After the snow its been go go go this end of the line. Me and Kerry are really starting to get into the swing of things. We've been able to take our pretty selves to lots of different places on our own, lots of eating out, talking to randoms and even managed to conquer the fruit market. £1.50 for 2 kilos of strawberries....I AM IN HEAVEN. Im never coming back. I pretty much skipped all the way home.

Kerry came into my room this morning excited by how much asparagus she bought at the market today. I wasnt so impressed...not even after her very long explanation of how much asparagus normally is in England. Yeah okay kerry, i'll leave you alone for a few moments with your asparagus.

We have adults english classes up and running!! Which makes a total of 27 students altogether and as of yet we are just under doubling the red crosses annual budget. (haha this isnt AS impressive as it sounds). 16 THOUSAND pesos raised so far. Good work team. haha. The red cross class are pretty amazing! There is also a girl in there called Macarena. This amused me wholly! I didnt know that was REALLY a name. This excites me.

We also befriended some handsome young men in Vina. One of them had contacted Kerry after he heard we were getting itchy feet and it turns out he is trying to set up his own little charity project. So we've been chatting lately and thinking of hooking our projects up when it gets going next year which is exciting! Lots of beach times for us guys and some nice men to oogle at.

Anyway, we decided to go for a little surf with these boys (i say WE decided...i decided and kerry tried to convince me we needed to plan it a little more) haha nooope. So 6.30 am comes around and we are outside the house waiting at the bus stop with my board. Hold up...bus and a surfboard. Okay maybe we should have planned this a little more. Surfboard slid into the under luggage compartment and a very bumpy ride later (much to a very distressed ella who refused to give up the window seat in the small chance that ANY small chilean attempt to steal cheeky charlie from under her feet) why am i speaking in third person? I blame kerry ANYWAY we arrive in Vina, met by andres who whisks us off to pick up his friend and there we are heading to the water.

Im not sure the boys were used to females being in the water cause 2 bleeding noses and a fat lip later, the boys are looking concerned at how on earth we have managed to bust up our faces in the small ish surf.

This is how it happened: Kerry was given an extra big and heavy board....and decided to instead of surf sing Elton John a lot more. BENNIE B B B BENNAAAY BENNIE AND THE JETS. So when she finally went for a wave, she fell quite rightly on her bum and her board went flying. As she comes up for air, she is still unaware that this huge board is plummeting down towards her head..and all we could do was watch as it landed..on her face. So a quiet defeated kerry gets out...shortly followed by ella and a dodgy roll which also gave her a bleeding nose and a nice fat lip. Kook.

SO in our attempt to erase these rather embarrassing moments from the boys minds, we try to charm them by cooking them a niiiice greasy english brekkie. I think it worked.

We're heading back there tomorrow. Hopefully minus the bust up face. Watch this space.

Over and Out


1 comment:

  1. its true- asparagus is ridiculously expensive over here- bring lots back with you!!!
